Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Push Your Boundaries... and Laugh!

Since I last wrote I have received my Diploma in Kids yoga teaching, so this week was kicked off to a great start. After 3 intense days of discovering my inner child I am just about back to normal and I also have a heart full of memories after a great training course.

I didn’t really know what to expect going into the training, I was surprised by how nervous I was on Friday morning before it began.  It was like the feeling I get before exams, butterflies in your tummy and not in a good way, the fear or worry of the unknown and almost the first day of school fear of ‘what if no one likes me’. But following my new mantra I pulled myself together and thought what’s the worst that can happen- I don’t like it so I leave! Needless to say I was in the door two minutes and felt totally at home.

It was the start of three days filled with fun, games, laughter, story sharing, emotional experiences and that was just the adults. Everyone had their own story and reason for doing the course but I think it’s safe to say everyone connected on a deep level and as well as getting a diploma at the end to teach kids yoga we all learned a lot about our inner child. I had so much fun and laughed so much that my stomach ached and it led me to think… when was the last time I played? Why is this a strange question or why would you not have that element of fun and enjoyment in your life? The training was not a theory focused course on how to teach yoga but more about connecting with children and teaching them respect, trust, developing their confidence and encouraging them to be who they are…. Then came the yoga.

Watching a group of kids play at any age fascinates me, especially younger ones, where there are no limitations on their imaginations. In their world of make believe and play they explore their inner dreams and express themselves without limitation or worry. As adults we usually follow a totally different structure where we follow our subconscious beliefs that limit us without us even thinking about it. It is only natural that as we grow up we develop a sense of what risk is and day to day worries become more real… but does this mean we have to loose our inner sense of fun where we can let go and laugh? I mean really laugh.

Last weekend I became part of a circle with people from all different backgrounds with a variety of cultural influences and life experiences and rather than leaving that at the door we incorporated so many elements of each of us into the course and we let go. We laughed, we cried and we all went on a journey. We all walked away with a diploma at the end of the course but this was nearly a bonus…. From talking to the other people on the course it was clear to see that by pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones, not worrying about what other people thought, making silly noises, singing like there was no one listening, dancing like there was no one watching …we each discovered a lot about ourselves and each other and I for one feel privileged to have had the opportunity to meet such wonderful people and share the experience. To each and every one of you- Thank you! 

So as I always do after my ‘aha’ moments I looked at how I apply this into my yoga practice…. This was an easy one. Push your boundaries. If you are like me and practice yoga regularly by yourself it is easy to get comfortable in your practice so that you don’t go out of your comfort zone. It is nearly an automatic sequence and I do the poses without even thinking about them or focusing on how I can take them deeper. So this week I tried new poses, focused on areas i’m not so strong on and stuck with them even though I struggled initially. Yes it felt a bit strange at first and I wanted to jump back into my usual routine but it is a case of focusing your mind and pushing your boundaries.

Whether it is in your yoga practice, daily routine or the relationships with your friends and family…  have some fun, push your boundaries and find your inner child again and laugh together! Trust me we all need a good giggle! 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on Your diploma! Hope it will open new horizons and insights in Your practice.

    Yes, boudnaries have to be continuously pushed. I read a quote recently saying "When you can put up your grocery list in your head during Yoga, it is probably the right time to push your skills further" :)

    So true... We as a human species naturally fall a sleep if no change happens.
