Sunday, 26 May 2013

Challenge yourself to be yourself

Do you remember the day before you started school…. That excited nervous feeling where you have been working up to ‘The big day’ for months, getting your uniform, new books, lunch box and every time you meet someone the focus turns to the fact you are starting ‘Big School’ in September and how exciting that is.

Well roll that on 20 odd years and here I am feeling exactly like as I did at the tender age of 4 years old the day before I started school…. My bag is packed, I have my new books, new notepads all ready to go, yoga gear is ready, mat by the door- I even have my lucky socks out. So yes a few differences in the essentials but I feel the exact same as I did all those years ago. My tummy is doing summersaults filled with butterflies, a mixture of excitement and nerves, apprehensive of the unknown but this time I am starting an intensive yoga course for a month. Something I signed up to do, was delighted to be accepted for and have not stopped talking about for at least 2 months and yet now that the big day is just around the corner I almost want to pause or fast forward a few days to when I am settled into it and know what awaits me every day.

Obviously life has moved on from when I was 4 years old, I have experienced a lot and faced many nerve wrecking situations….I have been here countless times before- first day at college, first dates, first day at a new job etc. I know I will wake up tomorrow with an anxious feeling and be wondering what have I gotten myself into this time and then within the first hour I will relax, I will settle into my new surroundings and I will smile to myself and remember all those people who have reassured me in the last few days that I was going to be fine. In reality I know I am going to be fine but it is funny how my body goes into automatic protective mode when I put myself in new situations or settings.

It made me think, how funny life is, and how interesting people’s reactions to new situations are. When you take people out of their comfort zones, their own self -protective mode steps in. If you have read my previous posts you will probably have a good idea on the type of person I am. I recently spoke about my curious nature, my need to ask questions- this goes deeper though. I like to plan, I am definitely and organized person and I like a routine. So although this new course was my decision and I cannot wait to get stuck into it, I also have that personal hurdle to get over where I don’t know what it’s going to be like, how I am going to be challenged and what each day will bring. However, in the battle of nerves vs excitement, excitement is definitely winning and the nerves are at that good level to keep me focused. Honestly, I have surprised myself with this. This journey that I am on is definitely a learning curve, about yoga, about life and about me. Instead of worrying about getting nervous (as crazy as that sounds) I knew I would feel it and I accept that.

As I have mentioned before the one person you can’t lie to is yourself. So rather than wish I wasn’t a worrier or try to hide the fact I was nervous- I accepted it. When people asked me how I was feeling about starting the course I told them honestly, I didn’t make a drama out of it but I said how I felt- I was really excited about it and a little nervous. I got the usual reactions of ‘you’ll be fine’ or ‘you have nothing to worry about’ and then I got the honest one: Nerves are good!

Now, I know some people will be reading this and thinking ‘OCD’, if you are a go with the flow kind of person my ‘need to know’ attitude probably goes totally against the grain for you. But even if you can’t relate to this example, think of a situation that makes you feel uncomfortable. Maybe it’s as simple as being honest with yourself or challenging yourself to form your own opinion rather than allowing other peoples influences to colour your judgment on something. For some people blending into the background is where they are comfortable, for others being the center of attention is where they are at ease. Pick your own comfort blanket and dow loose it for a few days!

It is easy to follow a routine, I know, I do it all the time, but the good news is that if you take that leap and explore the unknown by challenging yourself it is a hugely rewarding experience. Other people will challenge you: in a working environment, in personal relationships- you know, you have been there. You also know that how you react or how much you engage in it will probably depend on your mood at the time, we have all backed out of things we just didn’t feel comfortable doing and made up an excuse. However, only you can really know your limitations, physically, emotionally and mentally. Over the next few weeks during this course I will be pushed in all of these areas by people I don’t even know yet and as intimidating or nerve wrecking as that may be, the true experience and learning will come from how I push my own limitations physically, emotionally and mentally and how much I let myself learn about me.

So why are we afraid or nervous of new situations? You can’t become the best at something without practice; you can’t truly succeed without making mistakes…. Because if you were the best there would be no room for improvement and if you didn’t make mistakes you would never learn how to be better. The worst mistake you can make is being too afraid to make one.

In my yoga practice this week I am going to challenge myself, how? I don’t know yet! Seriously, I don’t. Why don’t you try it?
I will get onto the mat each morning and I will work it out. It doesn’t need to be life changing or body transforming. I needs to be real to you. So my advice…..  use your yoga practice to get the headspace and silence we all need. Let your mind be free and don’t think about what you need to do to challenge yourself, listen to your body, be open minded and perhaps most importantly let your heart be open. Don’t be afraid to feel whatever emotions you are feeling. Before you dismiss it…. Try it.

I look back to where this all began ‘Feel the fear and do it anyway…. What’s the worst that can happen!’

Ella xx

Twitter: @ellabelleyoga

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