Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Take yourself out of your comfort zone... see where it takes you!

It is funny how we are all creatures of habit… in some shape or form we like routine. From our morning ritual before we leave the house whether you are a snoozer or an early riser, whether you take time for a long shower and a leisurely breakfast or wait until the last minute to get up so you rush your shower and race out the door maybe grabbing a cup of coffee on the way to the office. We like a sense of order and get used to things the way we like it. I am a very organized person by nature so routine and planning are my comfort zone. 

It was only when I started to think about this recently that I really started to realize how much habit there is in my life- I go for a walk in the morning and I do the same walk, I do my yoga practice in the same place in my apartment, when I get the train I generally stand on the same place on the platform…. I could go on but you get the idea.

So I took a look at my self-practice…. It is easy to get into habits, to do the same sequences and to stay within the comfort zone. I noticed I was teaching lots of variety in my classes, making sure students didn’t get bored or too comfortable- keeping an element of familiarization but yet constantly stretching them and giving them something to work towards, but I wan’t transferring this to my practice. So this week I decided to take myself out of my comfort zone and try to break those habits…. I decided to try a Jivamukti Class. What an experience- most of my yoga background has been vinyasa flow and power yoga so I wasn’t too sure what to expect. The studios I usually go to are small and intimate but yet with plenty of space for each student. Initially when I walked in I felt out of my comfort zone, it was a big studio, which once class filled ended up having over 40 people. I somehow found myself right up the front in the middle of the room… No hiding down the back for me then. Not that I necessarily wanted to hide or have an easy practice but I’m a bit like that in unfamiliar settings. I like to be in the background a little until I feel comfortable…. But there was no dipping toes in the water here it was a dive straight into deep water. We started chanting- another relatively new experience. Although I did this throughout my teacher training and often go to classes where there are small elements, this was different. I really enjoyed it, anyone who knows me will definitely be raising an eyebrow, but honestly there was a great energy in the room and I just went with it. The class was amazing, the teacher had a very unique style but I instantly took to it. I have honestly not enjoyed a class as much in ages- don’t get me wrong I have been to some brilliant yoga classes recently but there was something very different about this class. I found my body stretching, bending and opening in ways it never had before- the teacher was adjusting me into shapes I hadn’t even seen before but as she twisted me like a rubber band my body just went with it, no pain, it just worked.

When we came to Savasana my body definitely breathed a sigh or relief as I had worked it hard throughout the class but there was also a sense of wanting more. I left the studio absolutely floating- I couldn’t do every pose in the class but rather than fighting my body I worked within what was working and where my body wanted to go in that class. As the teacher guided us through advanced poses I didn’t think about whether or not I would be able to do it I just tried it… I let go of any pre-conceived ideas of what I could or couldn’t do and I felt more in the moment than I think I ever have in a yoga class.

This class has inspired not only my self-practice but also a change in some other little habits off the mat. I know I will always be a creature of habit and I will always like my routine but as I have learned this week sometimes you just need to push yourself out of your comfort zone… although it can feel a bit scary that fear factor comes into play… if you don’t try you won’t know what might have happened! Maybe this week, take yourself out of you comfort zone- change a habit, on the mat or off the mat and see where it takes you! 

Twitter: @ellabelleyoga

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